Saturday, August 13, 2005


Theater: Fox's Zanuck Theater, Fox Studios, California

Tim Burton has a knack for making things weird. Is Johnny Depp the greatest match for the role? Probably not. But the little kid has plenty of heart to make up for it, the other children are annoying, and Danny Elfman injects himself with enough Burton-juice to get the Oompa Loompa songs dead on.

I'm sure the midget actor's unit hates the movie, because they digitally shrank an actor and duplicated him, so one man plays all of Wonka's helpers, including the female ones. It does make it a little more eerie, though, and that's right up Tim Burton's alley.

See it if - you have a kid that likes candy; you're in love with Johnny Depp.
Rent it if -
you think cranking up the volume of those Danny Elfman Oompa Loompa songs will scare your neighbors.